Standart – ICB4
Layihə mühitində kompetensiyalar birdən çox əsas kompetensiya indikatorlarını özündə birləşdirən 29 kompetensiya elementinə ayrılıb.
• Perspektivli kompetensiyalar (5 element)
• İnsan kompetensiyaları (10 element)
• Praktiki kompetensiyalar (14 element)
Layihə və proqramların idarə edilməsi müvəqqəti fəaliyyət olduğu bir vaxtda, portfelin idarə edilməsi daimi prosesdir. ICB4®-də təqdim edilmiş kompetensiyalar layihələr, proqramlar və portfellərə uyğun olaraq strukturlaşdırılıb.

Perspective competencies:
Under this heading come the methods, tools and techniques through which individuals interact with the enviroment, as well as rationale that leads people, organisations and societies to start and support projects, programmes and portfolios.
People competencies:
These consist of the personal and interpersonal compentences required to successfully participate in or lead a project, programme or portfolio.
Practice competencies:
These are the specific methods, tools and techniques used in projects, programmes or portfolios to realise their success
Elements of project manager competence
Perspective competencies:
- Strategy
- Governance, structures and processes
- Compliance, standarts and regulation
- Power and interest
- Culture and values
People competencies:
- Self-reflection and self-management
- Personal integrity and reliability
- Personal communucation
- Relations and engagement
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Conflict and crisis
- Resourcefulness
- Negotiation
- Results orientation
Practice competencies:
- Portofolio design
- Benefits
- Scope
- Time
- Organisation and information
- Quality
- Finance
- Resources
- Procurement and partnership
- Plan and control
- Risk and opportunity
- Stakeholders
- Change and transformation
- Select and balance
Additional compentence emelents:
- Information technology in project management;
- Project office creation and management;
- Project Management Methodology;
- Company’s technical competence model;
- Business processes in project management;
- Development of the project-oriented organizations and their structure;